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Article #57

This guide will help you to send correspondence from FLEXIAUCTION. The system will help you to create marketing groups, and then to link all customers to that group. E.g. All customers interested in farms are linked to the "FARM" group. Tools >CRM Groups To set up your marketing groups and link customers to each group Tools > CRM COMMINICATE To send correspondence (emails, SMS and/or letters) to a selection of the groups The report "ExecCrmAll" will create a group "ALLCUST" and link ALL your customers to that group, this can be run at any time (REPORTS > GLOBAL > EXECCRMALL) Settings TOOLS > SETTINGS > EMAIL SMTP, POP3, Username & Password This setting can usually be found in outlook and is the servers your ISP use to route your email From Name & Address The name and address the recipient will see when you send an email. Click SAVE to save settings Please contact us to assist you with the setup of your WinSMS account TOOLS > SETTINGS > WINSMS Username and password created for you on the WinSMS service Click SAVE to save settings Maintaining your marketing groups Tools > CRM Groups (Or right-click vendueroll > Advanced CRM > Groups) On this screen you will be able to maintain your sets. Sets is used to group several customer with a similar interest together, This will make it easier to send correspondence to just a specific set, e.g. Bonsmara, Fries, Jersey, Nguni, Brahman. OR farms, houses, flats, offices, plots [1] The group or set [2] The customers belonging to the highlighted set above Use above icons to create new groups, change description of a group or delete groups. Right Click Add Customers from Event - add customers to marketing group from an event Add Customers manually - add customers to marketing groups manually Remove Customer - remove a customer from the group Confirm removal - ask each time Find Duplicates - Remove duplicates from each group. Export - Export list Edit customer - Change customer Remove customer all groups - Remove customer from all the groups Export to FXQ - Export all/selected customers to FXQ file Import from FXQ - Import groups with customers from FXQ file Add customer manually Normal auction procedures will add new customer to your customer database, either as buyers, sellers or registrations. You can also add customers to the system manually Ensure the following fields are entered correctly: CUST NR - Either assign a unique customer number of click UNIQUE NR NAME- The customer name CEL - The mobile number POSTAL ADDRESS - postal address EMAIL - email address SAVE to save the customer Add customer from event Ensure that an event is selected first Tick the type of customers you want to add and click SHOW From the list make your selection Click Select All, or Hold in CTRL while selecting the customer, or Press SHIFT while pressing up/down. When done click "Add Customers" Customers can also be removed from the list: Right-clicking on the grid and select "Remove Customer" or press "Del" Sending Correspondence Tools > CRM Communicate (Or Customer > right-click CRM Communicate) Tick the groups you want to include in the correspondence. Click Fetch Customers to view all the customers from the selected sets. You will be presented with a Recipient List, this list will already have all duplicated removed, e.g. Peter is on group FARM and on group FLATS: Peter will be listed once. Apply the filter if you only want to send correspondence to customers for a specific agent and/or region only. Right-Click Edit Customer, Export list, by region or by Agent. Import XLS
  • Please use Excel file to import
  • Ensure sheet is named "Sheet1"
  • Remove all single and double quotes
  • Use uppercase for column names
  • Headings can be in any order, heading "NR" required
  • Columns: o NR - Any number/code (Required) o NAME - Recipient name o CEL - cell nr (prefix \\ to not send) o EMAIL - email address (prefix \\ to not send) o TEL/FAX/VATNR/ZAID - more recipient fields o PLACE/REGION - more recipient fields o AGENT - recipient agent o A1/A2/A3/A4/A5/A6 - address lines [or] o ADRES - multi-line address Click on Set Correspondence EMAIL Specify the subject, attach a file and type in your message body. Load/Save used to save emails you want to re-use. If the message is correctly formatted HTML it will be send as such. You can also use codes within the fields to replace values with the real value, e.g. "Hallo {CNAME}" will be sent as "Hello" with the actual name of each customer. SMS Specify the message body, max 160 characters. Load/Save used to save sms's you want to re-use. You can also use codes within the fields to replace values with the real value, e.g. "Hallo {CNAME}" will be sent as "Hello" with the actual name of each customer. Method - WINSMS EMAIL2-SMS - SMS's is send one by one using the normal email interface of your specified ISP, this is only recommended if less that 50 SMS's should be sent. WINSMSUPLOAD BATCH - SMS's is compiled into a file, and this file is uploaded via FTP to WinSMS to be send at the scheduled time GRAPEVINE COMPOSE - Use Grapevine interface as defined in grapevine.txt to send text WinSms Login - Login to your account at WinSMS Credits - Show you the amount of SMSs Left on your account RTF/LETTER Letters in RTF format with special coding will be created by FLEXIAUCTION on request. Click GENERATE [x]Start from the first row. In the event of an error you want to continue from the last record [x]Do the current record only Do only the selected recipient [x]Authenticate with POP Required by some SMTP servers If WinSMS Batch Upload was selected, ensure that you have enough credits, and then click Upload to WinSMS to upload the file A log will be displayed with the progress. Notes on Grapevine Layout of grapevine.txt file in your @customer profile folder
  • Line1 o GRAPEVINE SMS gateway email recipient address
  • Line2 o the GRAPEVINE provided company code for your company
  • Line3 o Method to use: MAPI OUTLOOK OUTLOOK /LOGON (logon to MS Outlook MAPI Namespace) mailto:{TO}?subject={SUBJECT}&body=Please%20attach%20D%3A%5CDEV%5CFXA%5CCRM%5CMULTIPLE.TXT%20before%20sending mailto:{TO}?subject={SUBJECT}&body=Created with Flexiauction&attach="{FILE}" mailto:{TO}?subject={SUBJECT}&body=Please%20attach%20D%3A%5CDEV%5CFXA%5CCRM%5CMULTIPLE.TXT%20before%20sending mailto:{TO}?subject={SUBJECT}&body=&file="{FILE}" mailto:{TO}?subject={SUBJECT}&body=&attach="{FILE}" mailto:{TO}?subject={SUBJECT}&body=&attachment="{FILE}" where the {} values are replaced as follows: {TO} the email-address in line1, {SUBJECT} the company code in line1, {FILE} is the file to attach c:\fxa\crm\multiple.txt

  • This article is NOT verified or spellchecked

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